Expect prices to climb as global supply and demand equalize, says portfolio manager Advisors who want to give their clients exposure to future energy commodities should look to uranium, Nick Piquard, a portfolio manager and Vice President at Horizons ETFs told Wealth Professional.
“If you’re going to allocate money to the energy sector, it makes sense to put some uranium in that,” he said. “I think oil prices will probably stay reasonably high because we still need fossil fuels in the short-term. But, 10, 20 years down the road, the plan is to move away from fossil fuels. So, if you want to have an energy allocation in your portfolio and want to have some exposure to what energy is going to look like in the future, that’s going to be battery metals, solar and wind, and uranium. They’re going to power the future.”
Horizons ETFs launched its Horizons […]
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