onlyASX Market Announcements ASX Limited
20 Bridge Street Sydney NSW 2000
useMonthly NTA Statement and Investment Update as at 30 June 2022In accordance with ASX Listing Rule 4.12, please find attached statement of TGF’s net tangible asset backing of its quoted securities as at 30 June 2022.For any enquiries please contact TGF at by calling +61 2 9640 2600.personalAuthorised for release by the Board of Tribeca Global Natural Resources Limited. Ken LiuCompany SecretaryTribeca Global Natural Resources LimitedFor Sydney Singapore Web: Level 23, 1 O’Connell Street Level 16, Singapore Land Tower Email: Sydney NSW 2000 Australia 50 Raffles Place, Singapore 048623 ABN: 16 627 596 418 T +61 2 9640 2600 T +65 6320 7718 Monthly NTA StatementInvestment Update as at 30 June 2022onlyPerformance SummaryAfter recording seven consecutive quarters of positive performance which saw the Company’s NTA increase by 76.9%on a post-tax basis, the Company finished the […]
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