Uranium stock surge as spot prices arrest recent slide
Recent IPO Cannon hits thick nickel sulphides at ‘Fisher East
PVW picks up rocks containing up to 12.45% total rare earths (TREO) Here are the biggest small cap resources winners in early trade, Wednesday October 13. ALL THE URANIUM STOCKS The uranium spot price has arrested a recent slide, jumping +$US3 to above $US40/lb overnight after Sprott stacked another 400,000lb. And as the power crisis continues to wreak havoc in Europe, France – which gets ~70% of its electricity from nuclear — has announced plans to develop and export SMR’s (small modular reactors) to its energy-starved neighbours. This assortment of good news sparked big ETF buying overseas, with big money also pouring into individual US and Canadian uranium stocks. Today Global X #Uranium (70%) & #Nuclear (30%) ETF $URA had both its highest single day Upside […]
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