Billionaire investor Eric Sprott will emerge as a major shareholder in E2 Metals
Haranga Resources, GTI Resources lead broad gains for ASX uranium stocks
Coal miner MC Mining, rare earths explorer PVW Resources up on no news Here are the biggest small cap resources winners in early trade, Friday March 18. (Up on no news) This tiny South African coal miner and project developer squeezed out an $US800,000 loss for the December half, still better than the $2.7m loss from the prior corresponding period.In fact, all the important numbers improved due to higher prices except sales, which fell from 127,534t to 107,953t of high quality coking and thermal coal.“The higher global demand for coal post the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a significant increase in international prices with an average API4 coal price of $151/t for the Period (H1 FY2021: $64/t),” MCM says.So, how’s the […]
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