Western political decision-makers are about to perform a rapid volte-face on nuclear power To be fair, some of the more thoughtful figures on the right wing of North American and European politics have been advocating a major re-focusing of attention on nuclear power for some years now.
The pitch has always been simple enough – nuclear is clean, relative to coal, oil and natural gas, and you can produce it at a competitive price.
Or to put it another way, if you want to accommodate the climate change lobby without breaking the bank on renewables subsidies, nuclear is the way to go.
But there have been two problems with this approach: safety concerns and inertia.Now, though, the inertia has gone.The Russian invasion of Ukraine has put paid to that. Oil prices have skyrocketed, and governments in Europe and North America, where Russian oil is banned, are begging to look elsewhere for alternatives.In […]
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