Madison Metals ( CSE:GREN ) ( OTCMKTS:MMTLF ) is a uranium resource developer with a first-of-its-kind twist: Its as yet unmined uranium is backing a Non-Fungible Token (NFT) operated by Lux Partners Ltd , a private financial technology company based on the Isle of Man.
So how does this work, and how does it improve the odds of a positive investor experience?
Let me explain.
Madison Metals is a CSE-listed company with a well-seasoned management team who are exploring a uranium project in Namibia with a historic uranium asset estimated to contain over 9 million pounds. That’s according to a 2015 resource estimate prepared by SRK Consulting.Lux Partners Ltd. Lux operates Lux Network , the first decentralized blockchain integrated with and operated by a network of regulated bank and money transmitter partners.Lux has agreed to ‘tokenize’ up to 20 million pounds of as yet unmined uranium, which it will market to interested […]
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