Uran Fässer; Foto: Depositphotos From everyday life, everyone knows that you only find what you know. This experience can be illustrated particularly well by the change in search criteria for uranium exploration in the Athabasca Basin in Saskatchewan over the past 70 years. It is well known Uranium grades in the Athabasca Basin are extremely high compared to the rest of the world. The two largest mines in the basin, Cigar Lake and MacArthur River, have uranium resources grading 18% and 17% U3O8, respectively.
These deposits were discovered at a time when the so-called "unconformity paradigm" was in effect, which states that uranium deposits form at the boundary between the crystalline basement rocks and the Athabasca Sandstone (see Figure 1; the English term is "unconformity"). According to this heuristic, quite several high-grade deposits have been found over the decades, mainly along the eastern margin of the Athabasca Basin. The disadvantage […]
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