Editor’s Note: Get caught up in minutes with our speedy summary of today’s must-read news stories and expert opinions that moved the precious metals and financial markets. Sign up here! (Kitco News) -The U.S. election has now entered a wait-and-see mode as millions of ballots still need to be counted. However, according to one mining CEO, the outcome won’t have a significant impact on gold prices or growing momentum in the mining sector.
"Regardless of the outcome, I think we can expect more stimulus, a weakening U.S. fiscal and monetary situation, and a favorable environment for gold," said Hugh Agro, CEO of Revival Gold, in a statement to Kitco News.
Agro said that the rebuilding of the economy will remain a dominant long-term theme in the U.S.
"This bodes well for domestic exploration and mining companies that can offer economic prosperity and are located on brownfields and/or permitted sites," he said.Revival Gold […]
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