The board of Boss Energy Limited has approved the final investment decision (FID) for the development of the Honeymoon in-situ leach (ISL) uranium project in South Australia. The Perth-based company said it will now accelerate engineering, procurement and construction, with production set for the final quarter of 2023. The Honeymoon project (Image: Boss Energy) ISL operations began at Honeymoon in 2011 but the mine was put on care-and-maintenance in 2013 by its then-owner Uranium One. Boss acquired the project in 2015. The project is considered one of the world’s most advanced uranium development projects that can be fast-tracked to resume production.
Boss said the FID for Honeymoon follows a full updated briefing provided to the South Australian Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Energy and Mining, Tom Koutsantonis, by Boss Managing Director and CEO Duncan Craib and Director Bryn Jones on 27 May.
The forecast AUD113 million (USD81 million) capital cost of the […]
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