Ivana deposit; Rio Negro province, Argentina 1. Introduction
Last year has been a quiet year with the COVID-19 pandemic restricting most exploration activities in Argentina, but the situation has changed since November 2020, and Blue Sky Uranium Corp. (BSK:TSX.V; BKUCF:OTC) is back in business again, ready to advance its flagship Amarillo Grande uranium project. The company received a tailwind from positive sentiment for uranium companies in general, which has been fueled by several reasons. The most important one has been the U.S. Senate approving a bill which requires the U.S. holding a domestic reserve of uranium; another one has been the shutting down of operating mines like Cigar Lake, and reducing further development and production of mines in Kazakhstan. This and other causes resulted in a higher spot price for U3O8 in 2020, as is shown on this chart from the Cameco (CCO.TO) website: This in turn lifted uranium […]
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