There’s “no solution without nuclear”, Cameco (NYSE:CCJ) CEO Tim Gitzel says, referencing the need for governments to balance their clean energy prerogatives with the shift away from Russian energy supply.
“Suffice to say we are seeing governments and companies turn to nuclear with an appetite that I’m not sure I have ever seen in my four decades in this business,” he said late July.
“Therefore, it is easy to conclude that the demand outlook is durable and very bright. But supply is quite a different picture.”
Here’s five (of many) reasons why uranium stocks are set to boom in the years ahead.90% of governments have committed to zero emissions. That’s easy to say, but how do they get there?The standout performer in zero carbon technologies is nuclear, says Deep Yellow (ASX:DYL) boss John Borshoff.“That low carbon footprint is for 24 hour per day production, whereas the carbon footprint for wind and solar […]
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