As their name implies, penny stocks are stocks that trade below $1 per share. However, in a broader scope, the term can also refer to stocks trading below $5 per share.
Among the benefits of penny stocks, investors can buy large quantities of them with little money and can generate large valuations quickly due to their high volatility and generally little Wall Street coverage.
However, be aware that penny stocks also represent an investment considered high risk because it is very much based on speculation.
Below, we list some companies with good potential in their markets that currently have a share price below $5. ( Read more from Wall Street Memes: ARK Innovation ETF: Have The Discipline To Limit Losses ) Sundial Growers – $SNDL Worth half a dollar, Sundial Growers ( SNDL ) – Get Sundial Growers Inc. Report enjoys enormous popularity among Reddit users because of its cannabis-oriented business. Figure […]
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