Without re-examining its uranium supply chains, the U.S. energy market will be vulnerable similarly to Europe’s present situation.
Europe’s fragile energy markets vulnerable to Russian interruption may soon be uncomfortably similar to the American power grid if policymakers aren’t careful about pushing a low-carbon future.
With a third of European oil and more than 40 percent of its gas provided by Russia, President Vladimir Putin has threatened to shut off the lights across Europe in an effort to counter western sanctions imposed in retaliation for the Kremlin invasion of Ukraine, demanding payment in Rubles instead of Euros.
“If such payments are not made, we will consider this a default on the part of buyers — with all the ensuing consequences,” Putin warned. “Nobody sells us anything for free, and we are not going to do charity, either. That is, existing contracts will be stopped.”The deadline came and went, with Russian gas still […]
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