News Commentary
PALM BEACH, Fla., July 20, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — According to, in 2021 , the price of Uranium reached the highest levels since 2014, driven by numerous external factors. As a key component of nuclear energy, investors continue to bet on increasing demand for uranium as the world looks towards alternative energies. Throughout the year, the uranium spot price rose from around $30 to $42.05 a pound, an increase just shy of 40%. According to Yellow Cake , a company listed on AIM that provides investors with exposure to uranium: "Primary production has consistently fallen below market demand for uranium over recent years and the primary supply deficit reached a new record in 2020." The supply deficit is predicted to continue, despite speculative interest in uranium driven by a strong nuclear energy push. The article discussed forecasts for 2022, 2025 and 2030. It said: " […]
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