Toronto, Ontario and Nucla, Colorado, Feb. 14, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Western Uranium & Vanadium Corp. (CSE:WUC) (OTCQX:WSTRF) (“Western” or ”Company”) is providing the following Company updates:
Sunday Mine Complex – GMG Ore Body: Production Update
The first phase of the ongoing Sunday Mine Complex project was to define and develop the GMG Ore Body (“GMG”); however after 30 feet of waste rock removal high-grade uranium ore has been intersected continuously. Thus the team began mining the ore in front of them, from the main drift (tunnel), without targeting the highest grade ore zones. Because of the project’s success, the mining contractor began probing and logging the 10-ton load hauls. On 25 individual days from December to early February, the mining contractor probed and logged each of the 200 load hauls five times; the 2,000 tons of new production was moved into four separate underground stockpiles. The mining […]
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