The existing Ambassador trial pit is set to be expanded Energy Minerals > Energy-minerals-news
The Western Australian Department of Mines Industry Regulation and Safety has ticked off on Vimy’s project management plan, is one of three state government departmental approvals required to develop the mine.
It still requires main works approval, and for its mining proposal and mine closure plan to be a ticked off, with the company recently providing additional material relating to the in-pit tailings and mine closure to the regulator.
A resolution to native title issues is also outstanding.Vimy has already appointed a registered manager to supervise the project, and has commenced mobilising its field crew to support early site works at Mulga Rock, recently reopening the camp to support short-term goals such as upgrading access roads, installing infrastructure such as communications and water bores, and undertaking the initial cutback of the existing Ambassador North pit.The company’s […]
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