This story features PALADIN ENERGY LIMITED, and other companies. For more info SHARE ANALYSIS: PDN
Russia’s invasion has served to push up uranium prices on the basis of nuclear being a power alternative to Russian oil and gas. But the attack on an Ukrainian nuclear plant has sent a shudder.
-U3O8 spot price continues to rise
-Nuclear sentiment hits share prices
-Toro Energy’s permit lapses The two Australian-listed uranium miners closest to resuming actual production are Paladin Energy (( PDN )) and Boss Energy (( BOE )).Paladin’s Langer Heinrich mine in Namibia boasts one of the world’s largest uranium deposits while Boss Energy’s Honeymoon mine was once one of only three uranium mining operations permitted by the Australian government. Both were closed down in the wake of Fukushima, as uranium prices plunged.Paladin was saved from near bankruptcy when the Chinese took a stake. Boss acquired Honeymoon from Uranium One […]
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