This story features PALADIN ENERGY LIMITED. For more info SHARE ANALYSIS: PDN
The spot uranium price tumbled last week, along with everything else.
-Sharp drop in uranium spot price
-Now down year to date
-Utilities still urgent buyers No matter how exuberant analysts may be over the prospects for uranium demand in a world trying to rapidly transition from fossil fuels, the spot uranium market is now a financial instrument like any other. As such, its fortunes are tied to general market sentiment.And hence so are the share prices of listed uranium miners. They shouldn’t be, but they are.Yesterday on the Australian market, leading uranium aspirant Paladin Energy (( PDN )) fell close to -14%. Did anything change for Paladin over the course of the week? No.Indeed, industry consultant TradeTech’s index of listed global uranium miners dropped -13%. The reason is the spot uranium price fell -US$5.50 to US$45.50/lb […]
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