As the uranium spot price rose 1% for the week, while six nuclear industry groups banded together to highlight nuclear’s role in the fight against climate change.
-Open letter to world leaders on climate change
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-Uranium spot price rose by 1% for the weekNuclear power is currently the biggest source of low-carbon electricity in developed economies and the second largest globally. By 2040, global electricity demand is expected to increase by 50%. However, over the same period more than 100 gigawatts of nuclear capacity is due to retire.Against this backdrop, six nuclear industry groups have penned an open letter to world leaders. It pointed to a critical opportunity at the upcoming G7 and Pre-COP summits "to set a bold new direction" in the fight against climate change.The Conference of the Parties (COP) is trhe decision-making bueau of the United Nations Framework Convetion […]
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