The demand for cleaner fuel alternatives is on the rise. As one of the world’s most abundant metals, uranium is a popular choice. A single pellet of uranium produces the same amount of electricity as: One ton of coal
Three barrels of oil
17,000 cubic feet of natural gas
Uses for Uranium Once uranium is depleted for energy use, it’s reusable for other applications since it’s less radioactive. Ships use it for counterweights, and it’s also applied as ammunition armor. Transition to Nuclear Power In 2020, the U.S. government began to invest heavily in uranium mining, contributing to an uptick in the stock market . Uranium fuels nuclear power, which represents approximately 10% of the world’s electricity.With 53 more nuclear reactors under construction and 110 planned, the world will see an increase of 45% capacity for nuclear energy. Of these reactors, 54 are in China. Good To Know While […]
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