PR Newswire
CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas, June 22, 2022
CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas, June 22, 2022 /PRNewswire/ – Uranium Energy Corp (NYSE: UEC) (the "Company" or "UEC") is pleased to announce that, in furtherance of its recently announced (June 13) entry into of a definitive agreement with UEX Corporation (" UEX ") pursuant to which it is to acquire all of the issued and outstanding common shares of UEX (the " UEX Common Shares ") in an all-share transaction by way of statutory plan of arrangement, the Company has now completed its C$5 million private placement in UEX consisting of the acquisition by UEC of 11,627,907 UEX Common Shares at a price of C$0.43 per UEX Common Share.
UEC may acquire additional UEX common shares by making purchases through the facilities of the TSX subject to and in accordance with applicable laws. UEC will provide periodic updates in respect of any UEX common share […]
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