Editor’s Note: With so much market volatility, stay on top of daily news! Get caught up in minutes with our speedy summary of today’s must-read news and expert opinions. Sign up here! (Kitco News) – Uranium developer Global Atomic (TSX: GLO ) reported Wednesday that it has received a Letter of Intent for the procurement of uranium from a major North American utility.
According to the company’s statement, the award follows a comprehensive due diligence process conducted by the utility, and reflects the confidence the fuel buyers have in the Dasa operation, located in Niger.
The company said that this award defines the supply of 2.1 million pounds U3O8 over a six-year period commencing in 2025, representing approximately 7 percent of Dasa’s production over the period.
Global Atomic pointed out that pricing is designed with two components to provide a blend of predictability and market exposure. The market component is linked to […]
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