Photo: Contributed URANIUM exploring and mining companies were the best performing companies on the Namibian bourse last year and leading the pack was Paladin Energy, which saw its share price up 260%.
On the back of this spike was the possible return of uranium spot prices, which edged up to US$43 per pound on long-term contracts.
Local active uranium mines such as Langer Heinrich, Orano’s Trekkopje mine, Etango mine and Valencia mine are still under care and maintenance, waiting for spot prices to reach at least US$55 per pound because that is the level at which these mines, which have a lower grade ore, can operate profitably.
Paladin Energy owns the Langer Heinrich mine, and its shares closed the year at N$10,16 after starting off in 2021 at just N$2,82.Over January, the average has been just above N$8 per share.Other uranium companies that delivered solid returns in 2021 include Elevate Uranium […]
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