The controversial role of uranium in the energy transition drives its price

The controversial role of uranium in the energy transition drives its price

There is no doubt that the future of the energy sector it will be fully linked to the development around ESG factors, acronym for environmental, social and governance sustainability. In the end, it seems that the Greenpeace ‘geeks’ were indeed right and fossil fuels cause a greenhouse effect and pollute both the air and the soil of our planet.

To protect future generations, or simply attract money from investors, countries began to develop ‘green plans’ that theoretically should help reduce global pollution. Among them, we find the European Green Deal, which allegedly seeks to make the Union’s economy more sustainable and achieve a climate neutral continent by 2050 .

In the case of China , an ‘action plan’ was announced for CO2 emissions of the Asian country reach their peak before 2030 and, afterwards, achieve carbon neutrality in 2060. The question is how they are going to achieve it: By closing […]

About the author: StockMan

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