More than one expert reckons these days that ASX shares in the uranium industry are about to enjoy a revival not seen for years.
The Market Matters team, for example, reckons it’s a sector with “meaningful tailwinds that are likely to persist for years to come”.
“The global energy mix is changing as decarbonisation is one of, if not, the most dominant investment theme[s] for the next decade,” said the team leader and Shaw and Partners portfolio manager James Gerrish.
“We believe nuclear energy will become a larger slice of the energy mix, and we are seeing tangible evidence of this occurring.”He noted that year to date almost 100 million pounds of uranium have been contracted, which is already the highest yearly amount for more than a decade.Funnily enough, the spot uranium price has held steady over the past 12 months, which means related stocks have also gone sideways.But, of course, both […]
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