Uranium concentrate SIBANYE -Stillwater may separately list its uranium assets depending on studies the precious metals company is currently assessing.
The company said in an interim results presentation today that is was considering converting its ageing Beatrix West mine to uranium production as well as restarting uranium output from its Cooke tailings deposits west of Johannesburg.
“We could see an announcement over the next quarter,” said Neal Froneman, CEO of Sibanye-Stillwater, regarding the structure of its push into uranium. The company liked its 50.01% stake in DRDGOLD which housed its gold tailings retreatment business, he said. Asked to clarify Froneman’s statement regarding externalising the uranium, Sibanye-Stillwater spokesman James Wellsted said: “It may be, yes. It depends on what makes the most sense from a value perspective”.
Details on the possible restructure of the uranium assets would be provided on the company’s investor day, scheduled for September 9.Froneman today picked out uranium as […]
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