Investing News Network
08 August
Energy Fuels reported 2022-2Q results in line with expectations, absent mark-to-market losses. The company reported a loss of $18.1 million or $0.11 per share. However, that included a $13.4 million negative mark to market of the value of investments. Absent that charge, adjusted net income would have been a loss of $4.7 million, or $0.03 per share, vs. our forecast for a loss of $8.6 million, or $0.06 per share. Vanadium and Rare Earth Element (RRE) sales are modest but poised to expand. The company sold 575,000 lbs. of vanadium, almost twice our forecast at an average price of $13.44/lb. Pricing has dropped so the company has discontinued sales. UUUU sold 205 tonnes of RRE, in line with expectations and pricing. Energy Fuels continues to make strides towards assuring RRE supply and developing circuits to separate heavy and light RRE at its White Mesa […]
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