MONTHLY ATHABASCA BASIN EXPLORATION UPDATE April 2022 Geopolical Risk and Uranium Mining: A Quick Overview Source: INN The conflict in Ukraine shines a light on both the pivotal role of geopolics in uranium supply and the importance of geopolical stability. Conflict in Eastern Europe has had a sig- nificant impact on uranium prices, pung up to 16.5 percent of global supply at risk. This is not the first me geopolical tensions have impacted the uranium market, either. Given that uranium is a crucial fuel source for nuclear energy, investors, mining agencies and energy companies alike must factor geopolical risk into their decision making. Operang at a global scale has always been somewhat challenging. Global mining companies must typically navigate mulple processes and policies around exploraon, discovery and producon. They must also understand the geopolical climate of each region in which they operate and the likelihood of that climate disrupng […]
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