Commodities are among the most widely traded assets in the world. The size of the commodity service market is US$5.059 trillion , and it grows bigger every year.
This year, the commodity sector is getting more attention than it’s gotten in past years. Earlier this year, Russia invaded Ukraine, which resulted in supply disruptions. For example, Europe’s power supply was challenged when Russia threatened to cut gas shipments. The oil and gas shortages led to very high prices. At one point this year, WTI crude — the kind of oil produced in the U.S. — traded for $123 per barrel, its highest price in years. Since then, crude oil prices have fallen to $95, which is relatively high but not unprecedented.
Still, the debate about commodities rages on. People have been very concerned about oil prices this year, and they may continue to be. On top of that, fertilizer prices have […]
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