Investors who grew up in the 1980s may recall a highly theatrical glam rock group named The Tubes .
Their specialty was performing outrageous shows in garish costumes. But when that didn’t propel them into the big time beyond a cult following, they stripped down their sound and their look and delivered a couple of big mainstream hits.
One of them was the song titled: “She’s a Beauty,” which was accompanied by an MTV video which got non-stop airplay for months.
But aside from the cool tune, what has stuck with me was the refrain, which hauntingly told the listener: “Don’t fall in love. She’s one in a million girl.”So why am I dredging up this bygone rock band of the Big Eighties? Aside from the fact that The Tubes had a great song, that “don’t fall in love” line is applicable to investing as well.The truth is that too often, we […]
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