• Strategic Alliance with Energy Fuels, the Leading U.S. Uranium Producer – With the toll-millingagreement now executed, CUR becomes the only current U.S. uranium company (other than Energy Fuels) with guaranteed access to Energy Fuels’ White Mesa Mill, which is the only permitted and operating conventional uranium mill in the U.S. Further, the operating agreement allows the Projects to continue to be managed by the experienced team at Energy Fuels.
Tony M Mine – Located in the Henry Mountains area of southeastern Utah, the Project is a large-scale, fully-developedand permitted underground mine that operated most recently in 2008.
Daneros Mine – Located in the White Canyon District, the Project is a fully-developedand permitted underground mine that was most recently in production in 2013.
Rim Mine – Located in the East Canyon portion of the Uravan Mineral Belt, the Project is a fully-developedand permitted underground mine that was most recently in production• Unlocks […]
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