The drive to shut down coal-fired power stations is gathering momentum, and nuclear — “as the most environmentally friendly source of base-load electricity available to man” — is the only alternative, Far East Capital analyst Warwick Grigor says.
“The push to alternative and ‘green’ energy is in full swing and there is no going back, but solar and wind power can never provide that reliable base-load electric source that we need,” he says.
“The drive to shut down coal-fired power stations is gathering momentum, but you can’t just shut them down without providing an alternative, and the only alternative is nuclear.”Grigor say its is one thing to decarbonise the modern world but it is a “completely different, and disastrous proposition, to de-electrify the world by making it dependent upon irregular and unreliable power sources.”He’s not the only one. #Nuclear is going prime time on @CNBC as Bill Gates goes #bullish […]
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