The Niblack Project’s main portal — seen in 2010 — has a ventilation fan for underground drilling crews. (Photo courtesy of Heatherdale Resources) Drilling crews are returning to the Niblack Project, a mineral exploration effort seeking copper, gold, silver and zinc near Prince of Wales Island’s Moira Sound.
The project ramped up in 2009. In the years to follow, the company Heatherdale Resources says it plowed tens of million of dollars into exploration efforts. But investor money dried up and by 2012 full-time exploration had ceased. Work completely stopped by 2016.
Now, after a corporate reshuffling of debt and rising copper and gold prices, the company plans to bring back a two-dozen-strong crew by the end of this month.
Heatherdale’s CEO Rob McLeod says the drilling will likely go no deeper than 1,000 feet.“Most will be shallower than that,” he said. “And then we’ll be able to take the drill underground, and […]
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