Canadian project developer Denison Mines is witnessing positive demand signals for uranium and believes that the narrative for top-tier new uranium mining projects has become “quite positive”, president and CEO David Cates said on Thursday.
“We have seen nuclear utilities seek to address significant future uncovered requirements in an environment with reduced visibility to available sources of supply – leading to increased long-term contracting activity and prices,” he said, adding that there was a “growing chorus of support” for the role that nuclear would play in the clean energy transition.
Denison is advancing the Wheeler River project, with an aim of moving the Phoenix deposit towards a development decision. Now, several years into the long-term plan for Wheeler River, the project “is uniquely aligned to emerge as the first in-situ recovery mine in the Athabasca basin region”.
The developer has continued its de-risking efforts at Phoenix, which involved extensive field and laboratory […]
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