Quelle: Depositphotos Searchlight Resources (TSXV:SCLT) is one of our favorites in the coming year. Why? In our opinion, the market has not (yet) understood that Searchlight has already made a significant uranium discovery.
There are reasons for this: First, Searchlight is not inherently a uranium explorer at all. The discovery on the Kulyk Lake project was the lucky by-catch of geophysical surveys targeting rare earths. The rare earths were confirmed on the project, but a little further south this 2 kilometer by 500 meter anomaly appeared. The measurements on 50 meters height in the line distance of also 50 meters are considered as very reliable. One of the proves for the correct calibration of the instruments is that known uranium deposits on Kulyk Lake were correctly recorded. The other reason why the stock has not reacted could be that the incipient uranium boom received a temporary damper just as Searchlight […]
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