The under-explored uranium properties are strategically located in Wyoming’s Great Divide Basin. GTI Resources Ltd has signed a binding agreement to acquire 100% of Branka Minerals Pty Ltd, the holder of around 22,000 acres of land across several underexplored mineral lode claims in the US states of Wyoming and Colorado.
The projects are highly prospective for sandstone-hosted roll front uranium mineralisation amenable to In Situ Recovery (ISR).
Upon completion, GTI will control the largest non-US, Russian or Canadian owned uranium exploration landholding in Wyoming’s Great Divide Basin (GDB), which is near UR Energy Inc’s Lost Creek ISR facility and Rio Tinto Limited’s Sweetwater/Kennecott Mill.
Wyoming has produced a total of 84,000 tonnes of uranium between 1995 and 2015 and was the leading state for US production with nearly has all been mined with the ISR method. Close to roll front REDOX boundary The Wyoming properties are on or close to the Great […]
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