GoviEx Uranium Inc. [ GXU -TSX, GVXXF -OTCQB] shares were active Thursday after the company said it has launched a 2022 field program at its 100%-owned Mutanga uranium project in Zambia.
The field program will target key aspects aimed at moving Mutanga towards the completion of a feasibility study and potential subsequent funding and construction. The program includes 15,500 metres of drilling aimed at upgrading Mutanga’s Dibwe East resource from inferred to the indicated category.
GoviEx has also commissioned 9,000 metres of diamond drilling to obtain core samples for uranium assays that will be used to determine uranium disequilibrium factors for Mutanga’s Debwe East and Dibwe deposits. The drilling will also provide metallurgical samples for process verification and optimisation test work for geotechnical studies.
Meanwhile, the company is planning a hydrogeological study to find a reliable water source for the plant and carry out dewatering studies for the open pits.On Thursday, GoviEx […]
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