The drilling program, comprising nine shallow holes, provided first-pass testing of the Project’s J, K and L Conductors on the northern portion of the Project which have a combined strike length of approximately 20 kilometres (see Figure 2).
Analytical results have confirmed anomalous uranium in three of the nine drill holes completed, up to a maximum individual assay result of 0.43% U 3 O 8 . The uranium is associated with enriched levels of "pathfinder" elements that are typically associated with high-grade, unconformity-related deposits in the Athabasca Basin. Results include shallow intersections derived from between 60 and 105 metres vertically below surface within prospective graphitic units associated with favourable brittle structure and alteration.
Gareth Garlick, Technical Director for Fortune Bay, commented, "This was the very first time the extensive electromagnetic conductors on the Project have been drill tested and the analytical results confirm Strike’s potential for shallow, high-grade uranium mineralization. […]
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