Supply Security Among Other Factors Driving Demand for Yellowcake An Emerging Markets Sponsored Commentary
ORLANDO, Fla., May 26, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — There’s a funny thing about resource companies, particularly those who mine the dirt beneath their feet.
Sometimes that earth moves on its own, figuratively of course, but it moves. This virtual movement can be good or bad. Gold buyers saw crypto siphon off investors at one point and the metal didn’t appreciate like most other assets in the recent bull market. The cost of mining gold was likely unchanged, but the spot price in the market wasn’t rising due to external, global factors.
But that door of impact swings both ways as we begin to introduce Laramide Resources Ltd. (TSX: LAM) (ASX: LAM) (OTCQX: LMRXF), an exploration and development company, which holds diversified uranium assets strategically positioned in the United States and Australia that have […]
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