querbeet Investment Thesis
Cameco Corporation (NYSE: CCJ ) is the sort of investment that I recommend for investors that are bullish on uranium but are not actively seeking high volatility in their investment.
After all, Cameco contracts out its uranium volumes, meaning that if uranium prices were to plummet or rapidly rise, Cameco would continue to tick along nicely.
On the back of its Westinghouse Electric acquisition , Cameco is now a fully integrated producer/electrical utility. Rapid Recap In my previous Cameco analysis , as we headed into earnings I discussed the dynamics of supply and demand facing uranium. I stand by what I articulated before and won’t needlessly repeat it now.Instead, I’ll highlight this quote from Cameco’s earnings call that I believe best articulates my overall argument. We understand that to create long-term value and provide supply reliability for our customers. We must build homes for our production under long-term […]
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