Cameco Corp.’s McArthur River uranium mine in northern Saskatchewan is pictured in this undated handout photo. Article content
After what has been a turbulent 24 months, Rise Aviation is hopeful Cameco’s plans to restart the McArthur River mine and Key Lake mill later is a sign of future stability for the airline company. Article content
For Derek Nice, the CEO of Rise Aviation — which is a rebrand following the 2021 consolidation of West Wind Aviation and Transwest Air — the reopening is well-timed.
“We’ve all had our fingers crossed, hoping that this was going to happen,” Nice said.Rise Aviation is Cameco’s largest flight provider for workforce transportation to mines in remote regions of the province. The temporary shut down of McArthur River and Key Lake in 2017 resulted in 845 employees being laid off.While the reopening is good news, what it fully means to the company is still unknown, […]
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