Back to the Future of Sourcing Uranium for Reliable Energy with Fission 3.0

Back to the Future of Sourcing Uranium for Reliable Energy with Fission 3.0

It’s hard to envision the world getting all its electricity from renewable assets (solar, wind, geothermal, possibly hydro depending on how you classify it) any time soon. Sure Swanson’s Law and Moore’s Law would suggest that the cost-effectiveness and technology behind solar cells is improving at a very rapid pace but the reality is, we aren’t getting even close to our climate targets and reducing or possibly even eliminating the burning of fossil fuels for electricity unless we include nuclear power in the mix. There certainly seems to be ebb and flow around the perception of nuclear power as a green alternative. Nevertheless, it is a very efficient source of electricity that has a very low carbon footprint . In fact, it produces zero carbon emissions in the electricity generation process, but mining and refining uranium ore and making reactor fuel all require energy.

I’m a firm believer that nuclear […]

About the author: StockMan

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