Canada’s Athabasca Basin is home to the world’s highest grade uranium deposits. If you want to see two sides to the uranium coin – just take a look at Canada and Australia.
North of the 49th parallel in North America, there is a hive of mining and exploration activity.
And the centre of that activity is the 100,000 square kilometre Athabasca Basin, which spans the northern parts of Saskatchewan and Alberta.
By contrast, down in the southern hemisphere, which has a vast uranium endowment, politicians — with the honourable exception of South Australia — have tried to outdo each other in erecting barriers to hinder uranium companies.Western Australia is seeing a repeat of the ridiculous federal “three mines” policy of the 1980s: it will allow four advanced projects to go ahead, but no more.And New South Wales allows exploration for uranium — but you can’t mine it if a discovery is made.These […]
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