As Washington lawmakers seek to ban uranium imports from Russia, Ucore’s Ross-Adams mine at Bokan draws attention North of 60 Mining News – June 8, 2022 A plane lands on Kendrick Bay in front of Bokan Mountain, a Southeast Alaska property that hosts a historic uranium mine and modern deposit of rare earths and critical minerals. Ucore Rare Metals Inc.
With renewed interest in nuclear to generate zero-carbon electricity for the clean energy future, coupled with Russia’s ongoing war in Ukraine, the past-producing Ross-Adams uranium mine on Ucore Rare Metals Inc.’s Bokan Mountain project in Southeast Alaska has caught the attention of unnamed parties interested in this potential domestic source of nuclear fuel.
While Ucore says it is entertaining the unsolicited offers to investigate Bokan’s uranium potential, any efforts on this front could not interfere with the company’s primary objective – delivering the much needed rare earths into America’s supply chain […]
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