Don’t look now, but the volatility we thought was behind us along with 2021 is still around in 2022. Here are the stocks to watch this first weekend of 2022, and what it means for your portfolio. Your old BlackBerry device is finally, really, dead. Right?
The one-time king of the smartphone, BlackBerry (TSX:BB) (NYSE:BB) closed a big chapter in its storied history this week. The tech company made good on its word to finally cut the cord on all of the incarnations of its operating systems. This includes BBOS (think legacy small screen devices), BB10 (the QNX-based successor), and the ill-fated PlayBook OS (again, based on QNX).
As of this past week, all devices running those operating systems hit end of life. This means that the devices will no longer work for making and receiving calls or texts.
It seems fitting as BlackBerry itself hasn’t released its own device […]
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