This year started out as a good one for clean energy companies. Many saw shares explode once United States president Joe Biden came into office. The new commander in chief wants to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 52% by 2030. That’s a huge cut, and it’s going to take a massive investment in clean energy. In fact, the Biden administration has stated it will budget a record US$1.85 billion towards supporting “existing and advanced nuclear technologies.” That’s why there’s one hot stock that should double this year from this clean energy move.
That stock is Cameco (TSX:CCO) (NYSE:CCJ) .
While other clean energy projects continue trying to get off the ground, nuclear energy is a proven, clean way to create power. What’s more, Cameco continues to lead the charge in this arena as the largest producer of uranium in the world. Yet it continues to be undervalued. Let’s look at why […]
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