RHJ Investment Thesis
The investment case for uranium has over the last few years continued to strengthen, with more reactor constructions being announced , life extensions of existing reactors , and the sentiment towards nuclear energy is improving in many countries . Figure 1 – Source: bisconti.com Over the last year, uranium equities have had lackluster returns, where Yellow Cake ( OTCQX:YLLXF ) has mostly been range bound with a marginally positive return. Many other uranium equities have done worse during the general market sell-off last year, but they have lately started to rebound. Data by YCharts I continue to think the investment case for uranium and Yellow Cake is strong and I have owned and covered the stock many times over the last 3 years. However, I have recently decided to liquidate my holding in the stock, specifically due to management’s inability to close the discount to NAV. […]
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