Are you worried about energy costs? You’re not the only one. Around the world, from sanctions on Russian oil, gas, and coal exports following its invasion of Ukraine to post-COVID-19, resurgent economies driving inflation, energy challenges are a key issue for policymakers, businesses, and everyday people. With energy issues poised to be even worse next winter , a Uranium ETF could be a smart play for thoughtful investors.
Uranium has negative connotations, moreso in the United States than in nations like France, where more than 2/3 of its electricity is produced by nuclear power. But as a zero-emission energy source, it’s becoming a key piece of the energy transition away from fossil fuels within the United States and around the world, with the U.S., in particular , looking to expand its uranium supply lines to fuel reactors.
Several Uranium ETFs are available for investors looking to tap into uranium’s place in […]
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