Western Uranium & Vanadium Corp. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Toronto, Ontario and Nucla, Colorado, May 31, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Western Uranium & Vanadium Corp. (CSE:WUC) (OTCQX:WSTRF) (“Western” or ”Company”) is pleased to announce that it satisfied the obligations of its Uranium Concentrates Supply Agreement. The agreement was signed in 2015 with a major U.S. utility which provided for five delivery years from 2018 to 2022. For Delivery Year 2022 the final delivery was made in April 2022 and payment was received in May 2022. Western sold 125,000 pounds of uranium yellowcake (U 3 O 8 ) at a price of $57.04 per pound generating gross revenues of $7.13 million. The U 3 O 8 sold was sourced from the uranium inventory that Western announced acquiring in its Strategic Acquisition of Physical Uranium news release in June 2021. This U 3 O 8 was acquired at a price of $32.16 […]
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