"The market’s affinity for silver now is where the market’s affinity was for uranium two and a half years ago," said Rick Rule. Rick Rule: Uranium Was Unloved 2.5 Years Ago, Now Silver is in the Same Spot
Veteran investor and speculator Rick Rule had his sights set on uranium years before 2021’s takeoff, and now he sees a metal that’s just as unloved as the energy fuel was back then.
Speaking to the Investing News Network, Rule, who is now proprietor at Rule Investment Media, said he believes silver is currently in the same place uranium was not long ago.
"What I want to say to speculators is yes, there’s more room to go in uranium, but the market’s affinity for silver now is where the market’s affinity was for uranium two and a half years ago," he said.Outlining his positive silver outlook, Rule noted that precious metals […]
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